templates/default/product_overview.html.twig line 1

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  31.             {# FILTERS #}
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  33.                 <div class="row">
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  35.                         FILTER
  36.                         <br>&nbsp;<br>
  37.                     </div>
  38.                 </div>
  39.             </div>
  40.             {# PRODUCTS #}
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  45.                         ARTIKEL
  46.                         <br>&nbsp;<br>
  47.                         <select id="sortselect" data-url="/productoverview?{{ filters.brand is defined ? "brand="~filters.brand : "" }}{{ filters.type is defined ? "&type="~filters.type }}{{ filters.casematerial is defined ? "&casematerial="~filters.casematerial }}{{ filters.collection is defined ? "&collection="~filters.collection }}">
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  49.                             <option value="priceasc" {{ filters.sort is defined and filters.sort == "priceasc" ? "selected" : "" }}>Niedrigster Preis</option>
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  51.                             <option value="name" {{ filters.sort is defined and filters.sort == "name" ? "selected" : "" }}>Artikelbezeichnung</option>
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  53.                     </div>
  54.                 </div>
  55.             </div>
  56.         </div>
  57.         <div class="row" style="padding: 0px 25px;">
  58.             {# FILTERS #}
  59.             {% if filters.brand is defined %}
  60.                 {% set brandid = filters.brand %}
  61.                 {% set brandpath = pimcore_object(brandid).geto_path %}
  62.             {% endif %}
  63.             {% if jewellerycat is defined and jewellerycat is not null %}
  64.                 {% set brandpath = jewellerycat.geto_path %}
  65.             {% endif %}
  66.             {% if "Schmuck" not in brandpath and (filters.brand is not defined or (filters.brand is defined and (filters.brand != 83 and filters.brand != 89 and filters.brand != 1933))) %}
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  71.                         <p class="filterHeading">KOLLEKTIONEN</p>
  72.                         </a>
  73.                         <div class="collapsFilter"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></div>
  75.                         <ul class="filterValues">
  76.                             {% set brandCollections = filters.brandCollections %}
  77.                             {% for collection in brandCollections %}
  78.                                 {% set productcount = collection.dependencies.requiredby|length %}
  79.                                 {% if productcount > 0 %}
  80.                                     <li {{ filters.collection is defined and filters.collection == collection.id ? 'class="active"' : '' }}>
  81.                                         <a href="/productoverview?{{ filters.brand is defined ? "brand="~filters.brand : "" }}{{ filters.collection is defined and filters.collection == collection.id ? '' : "&collection="~collection.id }}{{ filters.type is defined ? "&type="~filters.type : "" }}">{{ collection.title }}</a>
  82.                                     </li>
  83.                                 {% endif %}
  84.                             {% endfor %}
  85.                         </ul>
  87.                     </div>
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  90.                             <p class="filterHeading">TYP</p>
  91.                         </a>
  92.                         <div class="collapsFilter"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></div>
  93.                         <ul class="filterValues">
  94.                             <li {{ filters.type is defined and filters.type == 195 ? 'class="active"' : '' }}>
  95.                                 <a href="/productoverview?{{ filters.brand is defined ? "brand="~filters.brand : "" }}{{ filters.collection is defined ? "&collection="~filters.collection : "" }}{{ filters.type is defined and filters.type == 195 ? '' : "&type=195" }}">Damenmodelle</a>
  96.                             </li>
  97.                             <li {{ filters.type is defined and filters.type == 194 ? 'class="active"' : '' }}>
  98.                                 <a href="/productoverview?{{ filters.brand is defined ? "brand="~filters.brand : "" }}{{ filters.collection is defined ? "&collection="~filters.collection : "" }}{{ filters.type is defined and filters.type == 194 ? '' : "&type=194" }}">Herrenmodelle</a>
  99.                             </li>
  100.                         </ul>
  101.                     </div>
  102.                     {# <div class="col-md-12" style="border-right: 1px solid #707070; padding: 40px 20px; border-bottom: 1px solid #707070;">
  103.                         <p class="filterHeading">UHRWERK</p>
  104.                         <div class="collapsFilter"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></div>
  105.                         <ul class="filterValues">
  106.                             <li class="active">Automatik</li>
  107.                             <li>Manuell</li>
  108.                         </ul>
  109.                     </div> #}
  110.                     <div class="col-md-12" style="border-right: 1px solid #707070; padding: 40px 20px; border-bottom: 1px solid #707070;">
  112.                         <a href="/productoverview?{{ filters.brand is defined ? "brand="~filters.brand : "" }}{{ filters.collection is defined ? "&collection="~filters.collection : "" }}">
  113.                         <p class="filterHeading">GEHÄUSE</p>
  114.                         </a>
  115.                         <div class="collapsFilter"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></div>
  116.                         <ul class="filterValues">
  117.                             <li {{ filters.casematerial is defined and filters.casematerial == 'gold' ? 'class="active"' : '' }}>
  118.                                 <a href="/productoverview?{{ filters.brand is defined ? "brand="~filters.brand : "" }}{{ filters.collection is defined ? "&collection="~filters.collection : "" }}{{ filters.type is defined ? "&type="~filters.type }}{{ filters.casematerial is defined and filters.casematerial == 'gold' ? '' : "&casematerial=gold" }}">Gold</a>
  119.                             </li>
  120.                             <li {{ filters.casematerial is defined and filters.casematerial == 'stahl' ? 'class="active"' : '' }}>
  121.                                 <a href="/productoverview?{{ filters.brand is defined ? "brand="~filters.brand : "" }}{{ filters.collection is defined ? "&collection="~filters.collection : "" }}{{ filters.type is defined ? "&type="~filters.type }}{{ filters.casematerial is defined and filters.casematerial == 'stahl' ? '' : "&casematerial=stahl" }}">Edelstahl</a>
  122.                             </li>
  123.                             <li {{ filters.casematerial is defined and filters.casematerial == 'keramik' ? 'class="active"' : '' }}>
  124.                                 <a href="/productoverview?{{ filters.brand is defined ? "brand="~filters.brand : "" }}{{ filters.collection is defined ? "&collection="~filters.collection : "" }}{{ filters.type is defined ? "&type="~filters.type }}{{ filters.casematerial is defined and filters.casematerial == 'keramik' ? '' : "&casematerial=keramik" }}">Keramik</a>
  125.                             </li>
  126.                             <li {{ filters.casematerial is defined and filters.casematerial == 'titan' ? 'class="active"' : '' }}>
  127.                                 <a href="/productoverview?{{ filters.brand is defined ? "brand="~filters.brand : "" }}{{ filters.collection is defined ? "&collection="~filters.collection : "" }}{{ filters.type is defined ? "&type="~filters.type }}{{ filters.casematerial is defined and filters.casematerial == 'titan' ? '' : "&casematerial=titan" }}">Titan</a>
  128.                             </li>
  129.                         </ul>
  130.                     </div>
  131.                 </div>
  132.             </div>
  133.             {% elseif brandpath == "/PIM/02 Schmuck/01 Marken/" %}
  134.                     <div class="col-sm-3" style="padding: 0px;">
  135.                         <div class="filterContainer">
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  137.                                 <a href="/productoverview?{{ filters.brand is defined ? "brand="~filters.brand : "" }}{{ filters.type is defined ? "&type="~filters.type }}{{ filters.casematerial is defined ? "&casematerial="~filters.casematerial }}">
  138.                                 <p class="filterHeading">KOLLEKTIONEN</p>
  139.                                 </a>
  140.                                 <div class="collapsFilter"><i class="fas fa-minus"></i></div>
  142.                                 <ul class="filterValues">
  143.                                     {% set brandCollections = filters.brandCollections %}
  144.                                     {% for collection in brandCollections %}
  145.                                         {% set productcount = collection.dependencies.requiredby|length %}
  146.                                         {% if productcount > 0 %}
  147.                                             <li {{ filters.collection is defined and filters.collection == collection.id ? 'class="active"' : '' }}>
  148.                                                 <a href="/productoverview?{{ filters.brand is defined ? "brand="~filters.brand : "" }}{{ filters.collection is defined and filters.collection == collection.id ? '' : "&collection="~collection.id }}{{ filters.type is defined ? "&type="~filters.type : "" }}">{{ collection.title }}</a>
  149.                                             </li>
  150.                                         {% endif %}
  151.                                     {% endfor %}
  152.                                 </ul>
  154.                             </div>
  155.                         </div>
  156.                     </div>
  157.             {% else %}
  158.                 <div class="col-sm-3" style="padding: 0px;"></div>
  159.             {% endif %}
  160.             {# PRODUCTS #}
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  163.                 <div class="row">
  164.                     {% set counter = 0 %}
  165.                     {% for product in products %}
  166.                     {% set counter = counter + 1 %}
  167.                     <div class="col-md-4">
  168.                         <div class="productElement">
  169.                             <div class="productPicture" style="background-image:url('{{product.frontimage}}')">
  170.                             </div>
  171.                             <p class="prElHeading">{{product.model}}</p>
  172.                             {% if product.brand is defined and product.brand is not null %}
  173.                             <p class="prElSubHeading">{{product.brand.name}}</p>
  174.                             {% else %}
  175.                             {# {{dump(product.id)}}     #}
  176.                             {% endif %}
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  180.                             {# </a> #}
  181.                         </div>
  182.                     </div>
  183.                     {% if counter % 3 == 0 %}
  184.                         </div>
  185.                         <div class="row">
  186.                     {% endif %}
  187.                     {% endfor %}
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  201.                     </div>
  202.                     <div class="col-md-2"></div>
  203.                 </div>
  204.                 {% endif %}    
  205.             </div>
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